What Players, Parents and others say about Academy Cricket...
"Your relentless motivation and guidance has moulded me to become who I am now. Thanks to you, may game has improved a lot"
Player, U18
"Without Steve's patience, time, guidance and coaching my son could not have achieved his ambition to play at county level"
Parent of U12
"Steve brings a wealth of playing and technical knowledge to his sessions enabling us to develop our skills rapidly and effectively"
Glos CCC Senior Women Squad Player
"My wife and I would like to thank you for your communication, help and advice that you have given our son during the season. You have made a positive impact on him and he holds you in high regard."
Parent of U13
"A big thank you to yourself for the opportunity you presented to my son last year to be in the County side and his progression this season under your coaching and guidance. His cricket this year has progressed to another level."
Parent of U13
"Thank you for all your support for my son this year. He really enjoyed your approach and the opportunities that you provided for him."
Parent of U13